Video: Brain Shot Therapy

Video: Obsessive Thoughts Shifter Brain Shot

Discover how Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy can support you in your healing, both by helping to offer instant, in - the - moment relief and assisting you longer term with recovery from chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. In this video, join me for Day 3 of the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge as I talk about the Medical Medium Obsessive Thoughts Shifter Brain Shot from the New York Times best - selling Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. This powerful healing tool can be transformative.

Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Recipe

Obsessive Thoughts Shifter

Obsessive Thoughts Shifter

Try this shot when:

  • You’re trying to break repeated painful thought patterns resulting from a difficult situation or hardship
  • You experience chronic OCD, or you’re going through a relapse or heightening of OCD symptoms; this Brain Shot covers all forms and varieties of OCD
  • A song you don’t want to hear anymore keeps playing in your head
  • Repetitive thoughts that are disturbing you continue to replay
  • Repetitive thoughts are causing you to make repetitive actions
  • You’re hearing voices in your head or experiencing thoughts that are upsetting, unproductive, and/or highly questionable and may be telling you to do things that aren’t good or smart
  • A memory of a past experience keeps arising in your mind and it’s not helpful to keep thinking about it

Obsessive Thoughts Shifter: Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy


  • 1 radish
  • ⅛ cup loosely packed fresh sage (about 8 leaves)
  • ½ to 1 apple
  • 1 stalk celery


Run each ingredient through a juicer in the order listed from top to bottom.

Pour into a glass and serve.

Makes 1-2 shots


  • Drink this shot 15 to 30 minutes apart from any other food or drink.

Find out how to do Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes.

Categories: Healing Tools

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