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Video: Healing Multiple Sclerosis

Healing Multiple Sclerosis

Healing Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)—a label mired in confusion and mystery—can be an earth-shattering diagnosis. MS sufferers experience a range of painful symptoms that can completely alter their lives. Fortunately, this condition is not an incurable disease in which your immune system is attacking sections of the nerve sheath, as many well-intentioned experts believe. The truth is that aggressive viruses and their cofactors are what trigger many MS symptoms. Once you understand what’s really behind MS, you can take steps to heal. 

True Birth of the MS Diagnosis 

In the past, neurological conditions were often taken seriously by medical professionals only if the condition could be seen by the doctor’s own eyes. For example, a doctor could easily see if someone was suffering from tremors or involuntary autonomic spasms and would deem these neurological issues. However, if a woman’s neurological problems, such as severe fatigue or increased blindness, weren’t visible, their reported symptoms were often not believed or not taken seriously. Women’s descriptions were wrongfully met with scorn and disbelief.

Although women had vocalized their health struggles, it wasn’t until men began to complain of similar neurological issues that medical professionals began to take serious note of these symptoms. Once men (who were deemed honest and trustworthy within the patriarchal society), complained of similar symptoms, doctors began to take these health issues seriously. Read about the history of MS and get a full understanding in Medical Medium

It’s Viral

When the first true MS diagnoses were delivered, suggested treatment options were limited, inappropriate, and actually led many people to suffer unnecessarily. 

The truth, which is unknown to medical science and research, is that almost every neurological symptom stems from one group of viruses—the herpes family. There are certain types of bacteria that can cause instant swelling and inflammation in the brain, but the problem that arises is strikingly different than the neurological symptoms that people with MS, ALS, Lyme disease and more have to endure. Learn more about the herpes family viruses here.

The Epstein-Barr virus falls within the herpes family, and it’s the culprit that’s often responsible for MS. However, other cofactors are usually involved too, including toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, alloys, and steels, or dangerous chemicals, like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and DDT. These toxins can fuel and support the many strains of Epstein-Barr and other herpetic viruses that  trigger neurological symptoms. Medical science and research aren’t yet aware that there are over 60 strains of Epstein-Barr viruses alone, a truth I discuss in detail in Thyroid Healing.

Brain Markings

Oftentimes a brain lesion will be seen on the MRI or CAT scan of someone who has been diagnosed with MS. It’s important to note that millions of people who aren’t diagnosed with MS live their lives with harmless markings inside their brains that they are completely unaware of. These lesions can be caused by a number of things that aren’t problematic and aren’t causing any issues, including a crystallization, calcification, or scar tissue from a knock on the head many years ago that may not be causing you any issues. 

However, if you’re struggling with stiffness, weakness, numbness, blurry vision, or any other symptom associated with MS, you may be given an inaccurate MS diagnosis. It’s common to have unharmful markings on your brain. Today’s MRIs can’t even pick up on all of the markings we have—it’ll be 20 to 30 years before these machines will be able to scan the brain with the accuracy needed. 

If you ever have an MRI or a CT scan with contrast, make sure to stay hydrated and add a little bit more lemon or lime water into your routine for a period of time. The contrast contains heavy metals, and it’s important to flush these toxins out of your bloodstream and organs. You may also consider drinking the  Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily. 

Even if you aren’t exhibiting symptoms, you may be incorrectly told that you have MS if a scan reveals noticeable markings on the brain. These markings (which you may have had from birth or childhood and which could be deposits of heavy metals or MSG) are seldom connected to MS. There are unique cases where viral inflammation leads to the creation of severe pockets and lesions in the brain along with damaged nerve sheaths and nerve endings, and all of this may trigger MS-related symptoms. But these instances are rare. 

If you’re suffering from MS symptoms, it’s likely that a variety of Epstein-Barr virus is releasing an abundance of neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are a harmful byproduct that’s created when a virus feeds off a toxin, such as a heavy metal. This damaging byproduct can interfere with your neurological system’s ability to function and can trigger MS symptoms. This can occur whether or not you have lesions or markings on your brain. 

Some people experience MS symptoms because of a combination of viruses, such as a strain of Epstein-Barr, shingles and HHV-6. Other factors that can contribute are B-12 deficiencies and methylation issues. Regardless of the specific mix of viruses and issues you’re up against, it’s likely that an abundance of neurotoxins are floating through your system and wreaking havoc. You can learn more about how viruses affect the body and create many mystery illnesses in Thyroid Healing.

The Lyme Trend

Fewer people are being given an MS diagnosis today, or if they have been given an MS diagnosis in the past, it’s now getting changed to a different diagnosis. This is largely due to the fact that a wide array of symptoms are now being wrongfully funneled into a Lyme disease diagnosis. The number of new MS diagnoses are falling as the number of Lyme disease diagnoses continue to skyrocket, and this trend will continue for some time. 

Because many people who have MS symptoms may have also received a Lyme diagnosis—or may get that diagnosis in the future—it’s important that you know the truth about Lyme disease. There is so much misinformation around this disease. 

Around the birth of the Lyme disease diagnosis, a number of incredible doctors unanimously and accurately recognized it to be viral. However, in the early 1970s, there were no antiviral pharmaceuticals that could treat viruses. There were steroids and antibiotics available though, so once professionals latched onto the mistaken notion that Lyme was bacterial, patients began to receive prescriptions that weren't actually addressing the true cause behind this disease—viruses. 

The brilliant doctors who told their patients the truth—that Lyme was viral—didn’t have any medications to offer. If a patient had suggested one of these doctors treat their virus-based disease with antibiotics, the doctor would have likely objected, asserting that treating a viral infection with an antibiotic would make the patient worse. 

This piece of information is still true today and is one reason why close to 85% of people suffering with Lyme grow worse as they treat their viral condition with antibiotics. The other 15% of those suffering may improve, but it’s likely due to alternative treatments they incorporate into their protocol such as IV vitamin C therapy and certain beneficial supplements like cat’s claw

I've espoused the value of supplements like cat’s claw to numerous Lyme doctors over the past three decades, and this information is finally starting to circulate within the field. I’ve worked with numerous Lyme sufferers whose lives were changed once they discontinued antibiotics and began a true antiviral protocol. Because MS, like Lyme disease, is caused by viruses wreaking havoc in the body, antibiotics should be avoided and an antiviral protocol should be implemented instead. (Learn more in the “Lyme Disease” chapter in Medical Medium)

Steps to Take

A tremendous amount of neurotoxins in the body can lead to such severe nerve inflammation that the nerves can dry and crack. If someone’s nervous system is in a state of complete disarray and if they aren’t providing their body with the foods and supplements that can help them fight the invaders and toxins that are causing the problems, they may  find themselves struggling and being prescribed immunosuppressive drugs.

Immunosuppressive drugs break down the immune system, so if someone is taking some of these medications, it’s critical that they bring in certain foods and supplements that fortify the immune system. If someone suffers from acute attacks, their doctor is likely to prescribe a steroid to reduce inflammation, but the provider won’t be able to share the information that will allow someone to overcome these attacks indefinitely. 

Supportive Supplements & Teas 

When it comes to healing MS, there are certain supplements that help fight back and eradicate the viruses in your system. Two are critical: 

Additional recommended supplements include:

Additional supplements to consider are: 

If you’re interested in the specific supplements and teas I recommend, check out my preferred supplements page

Supportive Foods 

Making sure your diet includes a plethora of life-giving, disease-fighting foods is another critical component for healing MS. 

Wild blueberries are an essential food to consume while healing from MS. They contain a number of health benefits, including restoring and calming the nerves. Wild blueberries alongside spirulina and barley grass juice powder are three out of the five most powerful foods to help draw heavy metals out of the system. Regularly incorporating all five of the heavy metal detox foods can be unbelievably beneficial for anyone recovering from MS. Drinking my Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily is one way to achieve that. (Learn more by reading about my heavy metal detox). 

Other helpful foods to incorporate include fruits, dandelion greens, spinach, mâche, collard greens, turmeric, burdock root, avocado, hemp seeds, and walnuts (but keep fats in the diet low). Also, try munching on a handful of shelled, dried watermelon seeds occasionally for some powerful healing support. 

One tasty, nourishing meal might be a little bit of guacamole wrapped up in collard greens. Another simple, supportive option is potato or sweet potato soup. Add carrot, onion, garlic, celery, and any tasty vegetables or herbs you like. You could receive an abundance of benefits from dining on this soup daily.

Also, start bringing juices into your day, such as celery juice, turmeric ginger shots, and wheatgrass juice. It’s helpful to follow the Liver Rescue Morning I describe in Liver Rescue every day.

Foods to Avoid 

Removing foods from your diet that feed viruses like Epstein-Barr can be a critical piece of fully healing from MS. Some of the most important foods to avoid include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten
  • Corn
  • Canola oil
  • MSG, natural flavors, and citric acid

If you’ve been diagnosed with MS, your practitioner may recommend an abundance of protein believing it supports muscle strength. But it’s critical to understand that eating plenty of clean carbohydrates (which I discuss in Liver Rescue), not protein, is more important and will actually help you build muscle. As you work to recover from MS, bring in an abundance of carbohydrate-rich fruits and veggies, as well as plenty of leafy greens, to help maintain strength and heal. At the same time, keep your animal protein to once per day or less when possible. During a period where you're working to heal severe neurological symptoms, lowering animal protein and bringing in more healing fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables is ideal. The 3:6:9 Cleanse would be wonderfully supportive.

Moving Forward

Throughout the years I’ve helped many people overcome multiple sclerosis and neurological symptoms of all kinds. If you’ve been suffering, even if it has been for many, many years, it’s critical that you hold onto faith in your body’s ability to heal. You can move past the chronic pain, tremors, weakness, fatigue and whatever symptoms you’re battling. 

As you take one day at a time and implement a protocol of healing, antiviral supplements and nourishing juices and meals, try your best to keep a light heart. Celebrate as each symptom lightens and heals and know that this information is always here for you to return to and find encouragement in. Healing is not always a straight path–it is three steps forward and two steps back. Even though healing isn’t linear, you’ll be moving forward as you learn and apply the information shared here. I know you can find true victory in the end. 

This item posted: 30-Aug-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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