Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: How Celery Juice Helps Heal Weight Gain

How Celery Juice Helps Heal Weight Gain

How Celery Juice Helps Heal Weight Gain

Celery juice is a powerful healing tool for anyone who is dealing with weight issues, whether it's unwanted weight gain or weight loss. Today I want to share with you an excerpt from Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide on what's really happening in the body when someone gains mystery weight and can't get excess weight to budge. Then I'll also share how drinking celery juice in the specific way I recommend in Medical Medium Celery Juice can be a critical part of losing the excess weight.

In Medical Medium Celery Juice, I also share what's going on when someone loses weight they didn't want to. There's an unknown cause behind mystery weight loss and the above mentioned mystery weight gain that medical research and science are unaware of. Once you know what's really happening inside your body, you can take the healing information I share and use it to bring your weight back into balance.

Below is the excerpt from Medical Medium Celery Juice. For more healing information, including the causes of almost 200 symptoms and conditions and how celery juice helps them, you can get your copy of Medical Medium Celery Juice now.

Weight Gain

"When someone is gaining unwanted pounds, it means the liver has been collecting and storing an abundance of fat cells, creating a sluggish, stagnant, pre-fatty, or even undiagnosed fatty liver. That’s right—weight gain is not a result of a slow metabolism. The liver is responsible for weight issues throughout all parts of the body. People who are dealing with weight issues are often also dealing with lymphatic issues: lymphatic systems that are clogged up and harboring an abundance of fat cells because of that overloaded liver. When celery juice’s chemical compounds enter the digestive system, absorb into the intestinal walls, go up the hepatic portal vein, and enter the liver, they start to revitalize liver cells. It’s like a medicinal infusion for the liver.

Our liver is a filter that becomes clogged over time if we don’t give it relief. Often, in addition to being clogged with fat cells, a sluggish, stagnant, or fatty liver is a sign that it’s loaded with toxins that I call troublemakers. These can range from conventional detergents to colognes and perfumes to gasoline that you pump at the gas station to plug-in air fresheners to pesticides and herbicides to toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and copper to old pharmaceuticals that have stayed trapped in your liver. As it gets clogged up, the liver loses its ability to function at its optimum level. Celery juice revitalizes the liver, helping to stimulate the organ while it removes toxins and poisons.

Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts also bind onto viral debris in the liver—which is important, since everybody on Planet Earth is harboring pathogens inside their livers. Those pathogens range from the Epstein-Barr virus to shingles to HHV-6 and HHV-7 to cytomegalovirus to bacteria such as strep and E. coli and so much more. The liver becomes a nesting place for them when it’s also filled with troublemakers because toxins and poisons actually feed pathogens. Celery juice’s chemical compounds bind onto viral debris—viral byproduct and toxins—and help purge it from the liver. This strengthens and awakens the liver’s ability to operate at its best and perform its over 2,000 chemical functions, most of them undiscovered. Celery juice also strips the membranes from pathogens in the liver, which weakens or kills them off. This is part of what allows celery juice to rejuvenate liver cell growth.

Finally, celery juice can break down and help dissolve fat cells that are stored inside the liver. It helps dislodge fat deposits there, breaking them down and breaking them free and cleansing these cells to remove fat storage from the liver. Plus, celery juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are separate from its sodium cluster salts, ones that help feed and strengthen the liver, making it less stagnant. Celery juice is a powerful weight-loss tool"

Drinking celery juice daily in the way I recommend in Medical Medium Celery Juice is extremely helpful for weight problems and so many other chronic illnesses and symptoms for these undiscovered reasons and many more. Pick up a copy of Medical Medium Celery Juice to find out the true causes of almost 200 other symptoms and conditions and how celery juice helps them also.

This item posted: 30-May-2019

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