Tourette’s syndrome is caused primarily by mercury and copper, with traces of lead, impeding electrical impulses in the brain. This is Medical Medium original information.
When an electrical impulse travels across a synapse, it’s something like traveling through a tunnel. If a deposit of toxic heavy metals surrounds that tunnel, the toxic heavy metals narrow the channel, creating a bottleneck. The electrical impulse traveling through gets hung up, practically stuck. In a fraction of a second, another electrical impulse follows behind. This new electrical impulse hits the impeded electrical impulse and propels the impeded electrical impulse forward. This is unlike OCD, where an electrical impulse hits a heavy metal deposit and gets propelled backward. In Tourette’s the copper mixed with lead that’s surrounding the synapse conducts the electrical impulses forward, even as the bottlenecking blocks the impulses physically to some degree. Sometimes both electrical impulses are even stuck together, combined, and they shoot out of the synapse together.
These electrical impulses in the brain are carrying information. They carry the messages someone is trying to articulate or deliver. And when these electrical impulses get impeded and then propelled forward, the information inside electrical impulses gets propelled forward as well, which makes the information hard to control or keep back. The information jumps ahead of the consciousness, so an action, word, movement, or noise can occur in an uncontrollable fashion. The electrical impulses can literally go in many different directions, at quicker speeds than normal. That’s why Tourette’s is so vast, with so many variables. The size of the tunnel between neurons and how much metal is surrounding the synapse and neurons also influence the experience of Tourette’s; the amounts of mercury, copper, and trace lead also plays a role. In many cases three electrical impulses run into each other before the first electrical impulse combined with the other two are blasted through the synapse tunnel.
Find out how to heal Tourette’s syndrome and more in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes.
This item posted: 24-Feb-2025
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