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B12 Trick Or Treat - You Don't Get It From Meat

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B12 Trick Or Treat - You Don't Get It From Meat

B12 deficiency is the last thing you want when living with symptoms and conditions, such as anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, tingles or numbness, fatigue, eye floaters, migraines, restless legs syndrome, tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo, jaw pain, neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, lupus, eczema and psoriasis, and so much more. Even if you’re someone not living with a symptom, you should still try to keep an eye out on protecting yourself with what the body needs in this day and age with so many obstacles and stress we’re up against. Being proactive in your B12 needs is a great investment towards good and stable health. With that said, there are lots of important key factors to avoid and look out for to determine if you’re really getting your B12 or not, and what it really means if your B12 levels are high or low.

Are you getting enough B12 from your food? And if you are getting B12 from your food, it may not be active, usable B12. Your body may not be able to put the B12 to good use and it then gets discarded and urinated out of the body. We’re often told we get our B12 from meat, chicken, lamb, turkey, milk, eggs, cheese, pork, butter, salmon, crab, shrimp, clams and oysters. Yes, we do receive B12 from these food sources, but the truth is, we can’t utilize this B12 for several reasons, more about this here in this podcast episode. The first is, we create our own B12, and that very B12 our bodies create, is the B12 that keeps us going and staying strong. Our bodies do this by means of special microorganisms I call elevated biotics. These elevated biotics reside deep within our intestinal track, and are responsible for creating the building blocks for our B12. But having these elevated microorganisms is another story, most everybody is lacking these, and are not producing their own B12, and instead relying on sources like animal products. All animals create their own B12, every species on the planet creates their own specific form of B12 for their needs, but our bodies don’t utilize animal sources of B12. There isn’t B12 in plant foods either, so both plant-based vegans and animal protein eaters miss out on receiving B12 from their food choices. 

B12 Deficiency

Elevated biotics, or elevated microorganisms, are critical for B12 production in the body. Unlike factory-produced products like probiotics, kefir, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, and soil borne microorganisms, elevated biotics are able to survive the digestive process and make it to the ileum, where they excrete the co-enzyme B12, in its purest form, and send it through the hepatic portal highway into the liver. Learn more about these critical microorganisms in this podcast episode. One main reason someone may have a B12 deficiency is the lack of elevated biotics in their diet.

Another reason someone may become deficient in B12 is due to a stagnant, sluggish, and overburdened liver. Many people are born with weak livers, while others develop dysfunctional livers over time. Either way, if you are suffering with a health symptom of any kind, it would be beneficial to evaluate the health of your liver and how it may be affecting your well-being. Nobody has a perfect liver, and this is one of the reasons B12 deficiency is rampant.

B12 Testing

You may be thinking you are not at risk of B12 deficiency because tests have shown normal, or even high vitamin B12 levels in your blood. These results do not necessarily mean that the B12 in your body is usable and being absorbed where it needs to in the body. The central nervous system, liver, and other organs may still be severely deficient, more about B12 testing in this podcast episode

Protecting Your Body

In this day and age, we need support with all we are up against. B12 is vital for support with emotional hardships like betrayal, broken trust, emotional stress, and mental abuse; environmental exposures such as pesticides, herbicides, air fresheners, and scented candles; and health symptoms and conditions caused by toxic heavy metals and pathogens. All of these factors can result in an overburdened liver, stressed out nervous system, weakened neurotransmitters, burnt out adrenals, and can weaken and diminish B12 reserves. 

The best way to support and protect your body against these hardships is to provide your body with critically needed B12. Consuming more elevated biotics in living foods is a great way to support your body. These foods include leafy greens, sprouts, herbs, fruits, wild foods, and vegetables in their growing state. 

Providing your body with the right kind of B12 supplementation is also critical. B12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin is the perfect combination to supplement B12 deficiency and support your body’s B12 needs. Methylcobalamin is good for the eyes, ears and hearing, heart, nervous system, and adrenals. Adenosylcobalamin is good for the central nervous system, spleen, pancreas, liver, and endocrine system. You can find the highest quality supplements in the supplement directory on my website at 

In This Podcast:

  • Learn more details about B12 testing and what B12 levels really mean.
  • How B12 enters cells in the body.
  • The importance of B12 for restoring nerves.
  • What outside food source is loaded with B12?
  • Why high-fat diets can diminish B12 reserves.

Moving Forward

Whether you have anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, tingles or numbness, fatigue, eye floaters, migraines, restless legs syndrome, tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo, jaw pain, neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, lupus, eczema and psoriasis, or any other health symptom or condition, making sure your body is receiving the best form of usable B12 is crucial for your health and well-being.

This item posted: 19-Oct-2020

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