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Medical Medium Podcast:

Problematic & Damaging Supplements: Colostrum, Chlorella, Charcoal & More

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Problematic & Damaging Supplements: Colostrum, Chlorella, Charcoal & More

Trends don’t always mean that the trend has the person’s best interest in mind. Most often it means the opposite—someone hears that a supplement or a product in the health space can help them, so they use it for a while, and don’t realize it’s causing problems that may not always show up in the moment, but instead show up down the road. Almost everyone is looking for a quick fix these days and many find that over time, after exhausting themselves searching for a quick fix for years, that it’s going to take more than trendy bio hacks to heal a deep-seeded condition that requires real answers. There’s nothing more annoying about having setbacks or slowdowns when something that someone has been told works so good, could and usually does, end up working so bad. It’s truly a game of the Wild West out there when it comes to trying to heal. There are supplements that people invest their time, money, and energy in that backfire greatly at the cost of the person’s future health. In this first episode of many more to come about problematic and damaging supplements, you may have an awakening that can truly have your back.

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In this episode…

  • Learn about problematic supplements such as alkaline ionizer water machines, apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay and other clays, caffeine, charcoal, chlorella, chlorine dioxide, colostrum and cod liver oil.
  • Uncover what causes people’s healing process to move downwards when it had previously been trending upwards.
  • Learn about the specific supplements that some might think are helpful but are actually damaging to the body.
  • Discover the reason alkaline ionizer water machines can increase the amount of toxic heavy metals in the body.
  • Learn what effect apple cider vinegar can have on a person’s gastric glands and calcium.
  • Discover what supplement can be found in different pills and powders that is hard on the intestinal tract lining.
  • Uncover the many different impacts that caffeine can have on the body.
  • Learn about how this supplement can prevent nutrients from getting to someone’s organs.
  • Discover the different effects that chlorella, chlorine dioxide and colostrum can have on the body.
  • Learn what has changed about cod liver oil from 800 years ago to now.

All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

This item posted: 09-Oct-2024

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