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Coffee, Matcha & Chocolate: Abusive Relationship

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Coffee, Matcha & Chocolate: Abusive Relationship

Caffeine has been around since ancient times, through a variety of plant sources, but there’s a bigger story to how it’s used now. The addiction that we have with caffeine is not just ceremonial anymore, like it was for hundreds of years, all around the world. Nowadays, we use it as a crutch to get by, because people don’t feel well, and are struggling from focus and concentration issues, brain fog, fatigue, energy issues, forgetfulness, grogginess, and physical discomfort. We use it now to mask our everyday symptoms. Sure, people who feel good still consume caffeine, but more people who don’t feel good, are consuming it to survive and get through their day. 

The relationship between caffeine products, such as coffee, matcha tea, chocolate, caffeinated tea, or energy drinks, and the person consuming them, is not one of equal give and take. Caffeine can, over time, cause symptoms and conditions resulting from burnt out adrenals and a weakened liver, these can include hair thinning, hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, accelerated aging, weight gain, loss of libido, and more.

Fight or Flight

Fight or flight is an innate privilege the body possesses; it is a hidden power and a gift that protects your body in compromising or stressful situations. When you are consuming caffeine, it is putting the adrenals in this fight or flight mode every day, and can drain them of their vitality. Caffeine becomes the boy who cried wolf. When your adrenals are in constant fight or flight because of daily caffeine consumption, the brain becomes numb to what is happening, so when a real problem occurs, there is potential for your brain to be slow on the draw.

Hair Thinning and Hair Loss

The number of women experiencing hair thinning and hair loss at a young age is skyrocketing. It is unknown to medical research and science that caffeine can burn out a specific, vital, undiscovered hormone that the adrenals produce. This hormone helps keep hair follicles alive, and act as the glue keeping hair on women’s heads. As adrenals are kept in constant fight or flight mode from caffeine consumption, this hormone begins to disappear over time, and can result in weakened hair follicles, hair thinning, and eventual hair loss. 

Caffeine and the Liver

The liver has many jobs, one of which is to process and convert every nutrient that enters the body, and put it to use. Caffeine can shock, burden, and weaken the liver, affecting the liver’s ability to process and convert nutrients properly, potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies. When the body is in constant fight or flight mode, which can be triggered by caffeine, adrenaline is released and sucked right into the liver, which can cause cell damage, and potentially weaken the liver’s immune system. 

Caffeine and Aging

Many people are taught that caffeinated products such as matcha tea, coffee, or chocolate are healthy, anti-aging, and can even help someone live longer, leading to an increase in caffeine consumption. In truth, caffeine products can accelerate aging, and this increased caffeine consumption is why some men and women are starting to age earlier in life. 

One reason caffeine can age the body is long-term, chronic dehydration. Coffee, matcha tea, caffeinated teas, and chocolate are diuretics that force critically needed hydration out of the living cells in your body, essentially starving the cells of what they need. Caffeine is a toxin, a low-grade poison, that prompts your body to want to rid it. Unfortunately, as your body is trying to rid you of this toxin, it throws the toxin out along with important nutrients, trace minerals, phytochemical compounds, critically needed enzymes, and antioxidants. In your body’s attempt to push caffeine out, it has no choice but to push out other important nutrients too. This chronic dehydration and flushing of important nutrients can lead to someone aging well before their time. 

Caffeine Withdrawal

As with any addictive substance, the process of withdrawing from caffeine can be difficult, and is a deterrent for many people. Neurons in the brain become saturated with caffeine and adrenaline, from the constant fight or flight response in the body, and when that caffeine and adrenaline leave the neurons, a shock and emotional crash can occur. 

When people use caffeinated beverages to help make their decisions, their brain and its neurons stop doing the work themselves, making them lazy and dependent. When caffeine is taken away, neurons, neurotransmitters, and electrical impulses need to fire up the engine again, and go from automatic back to manual. This change and withdrawal from caffeine can cause a misfire in the brain and potentially trigger a migraine, and other symptoms.

Addictive chemical compounds cause dependency in the emotional center of the brain, which is unknown to research and science. Feel good substances, such as coffee, caffeinated teas, and chocolate, can trigger an emotional connection to that caffeine in the emotional center of the brain, making it even harder to let go. This connection can lead to heightened emotions when that substance is taken away. 

Healing Tools

Getting off of caffeine can be a struggle for so many people. The following tools may help heal withdrawal quicker, and allow the brain to restart on its own without caffeine and adrenaline. 

Restoring neurotransmitters is an important step in healing caffeine withdrawal, and this is best done with electrolytes. Incorporating sixty ounces of coconut water a day, for one week, can benefit the brain and hydrate the body during caffeine withdrawal. Celery juice, the only complete electrolyte on the planet, would also be beneficial to incorporate, to help hydrate and restore neurotransmitters, bring back neurons, and safely guide you off of caffeine. During withdrawal, it would be best to consume sixteen to thirty-two ounces of celery juice twice a day, for one week. 

Trace minerals are the glue that allow communication between different centers of the brain, which become depleted over time from caffeine consumption. Consuming more trace minerals will assist in healing during caffeine withdrawal. Great sources of trace minerals include: the Medical Medium Spinach Soup, coconut water, celery juice, and the Medical Medium Healing Broth.

Glucose refills depleted glycogen storage banks in the brain that adrenaline, triggered by caffeine, burns out. Incorporating more glucose into your diet is a powerful tool when you’re getting off of caffeine, and can restore neurons and electrical impulses in the brain. A great option is to consume two mangos a day for one week, or more. It may be helpful when planning your withdrawal to have fresh or frozen mangoes available. 

Consuming thirty-two ounces of lemon water twice a day for two weeks, works wonders for hydration, which is critical during caffeine withdrawal. Lemon water is also living water, which is a powerful tool to flush out years of caffeine stored in the tissue, organs, cells and brain.

Healing Herbs and Supplements

During caffeine withdrawal, everything in the brain is trying to rewire and find its place again. Melatonin can be a helpful tool to calm neurons and electrical impulses down as the brain attempts to regain proper balance. 

Lemon balm calms and strengthens the central nervous system, aiding in the anxiety, depression, and nervousness that can come when getting off of caffeine, and going through withdrawal. The central nervous system becomes dependent on caffeine over time and lemon balm acts as a soothing ointment, giving the nervous system a better chance at making a smoother transition away from caffeine.

Muscles can become reliant on caffeine and adrenaline, and spasm when those substances are taken away. Magnesium Gylcinate helps with the muscle spasms that frequently occur when going through caffeine withdrawal. 

See Cleanse to Heal for further support on healing addictions. 

Other Topics Uncovered in this Podcast Episode Include:

  • Learn why we are addicted to caffeine
  • How caffeine use can lead to potential weight gain and loss of libido
  • Caffeine consumption and how it can affect spiritual experiences
  • I uncover the truth about coffee enemas, and how they can affect the body 
  • The best way to incorporate healing tools that assist with healing from caffeine withdrawal

Moving Forward

Taking control over your health is a process of many things, and it’s hard when you are told something is good for you, when it isn’t. Knowing the truth about caffeine can be a great start to taking control over your health.

This item posted: 03-Oct-2020

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