Medical Medium Healing Foods

Healing Foods

Hello and welcome to Medical Medium: Healing Foods. I'm so happy to have you here. Visit this page anytime for inspiration and valuable insights on foods that will help you to heal and feel your best. Happy reading!

Banana Milkshake

Bananas have gotten a bad rap lately, blamed for being too high in sugar. The reality is that the sugar in a properly ripened banana is completely different from the cane sugar and other processed sweeteners in cookies, cakes, and doughnuts. Unlike processed sugar, the fruit sugar in bananas is bonded to critical life-supporting trace minerals such as manganese, selenium, boron, and molybdenum, and ...

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Cilantro Pesto

Cilantro, also called coriander and Chinese parsley, is the go-to herb for heavy metal detoxification. Cilantro’s magic in detoxifying the brain lies in the living water in its stems and leaves. This is a critical aspect of how it can travel past the blood-brain barrier; in this living water are mineral salts comprised of minerals such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, which are bound to potent ph...

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Thyroid Healing Juice

Juices are a great way to get in a variety of healing ingredients in one go. This Thyroid Healing Juice from my book Thyroid Healing is made entirely of ingredients that support thyroid health. The best part is that it’s easy to customize according to your tastes. Feel free to substitute cucumbers in place of the celery or parsley in place of the cilantro. In any case, you will be getting a bi...

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Apple Pie Bites

These mini apple pie bites are incredible. They are a total crowd pleaser and a great addition to any birthday party or special occasion. But feel free to enjoy them anytime, even for breakfast or a snack! Don’t let the addition of rosemary scare you, it takes this dessert over the top!  Apples have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and provide significant results for those suffering with ...

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Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Cauliflower mashed potatoes are paired with a hearty mushroom gravy in this take on the traditional favorite. This indulgent dish is worthy of any holiday table but is just as good any night of the week. Cauliflower is a nutrient rich vegetable that is excellent for supporting a strong immune system and optimum health. Cauliflower is incredibly high in vitamin C, K, and B-complex and minerals such ...

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Aloo Matar

The ultimate comfort food, this Indian inspired dish is packed with peas and potatoes in a mild tomato curry. The warm spices of curry powder and garam masala are added to the subtle hint of grated ginger and sweetened by a touch of raw honey. All topped with a sprinkle of sea salt, chopped cilantro and a squeeze of lime, this flavorful dinner is the perfect end to your day.  Potatoes are an ex...

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Zucchini Noodle Bolognese

With the complex flavor of tomatoes and garlic combined with the earthy mushrooms and bold spices of chili powder and cumin, this bolognese is a delicious raw take on the traditional dish that is sure to leave you satisfied!  Zucchini is rich in poly-phenolic antioxidants which are essential in helping to protect the body from aging, illness, and disease. Zucchini is also a good source of potas...

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Healing Power of Kiwi

If you’re concerned about regulating blood sugar, turn to kiwis for support. Kiwis are an amazing food for diabetes, hypoglycemia, and hyper- glycemia. Whether your blood sugar levels are too low or too high, eating this fruit will bring you back to center as it simultaneously lowers fat in the bloodstream. Imbalanced blood sugar levels also often tie into moodiness, OCD, depression, and diffi...

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Garlic Tahini Dressing

Whether you love garlic or take pains to avoid it, one thing’s for certain: garlic deserves to be heralded as medicine for our world today. Used to enhance vitality since ancient times, garlic is more important for our well-being now than ever before. To give garlic its proper due would take a book on its own. Suffice it to say that like its relative the onion, garlic is multifaceted, playing many d...

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Raspberry Jam Tart

It doesn’t get more simple and delicious than this picture perfect raspberry tart. And it’s so full of amazing ingredients that you can even eat it in the morning for breakfast! This dessert takes less than 15 minutes to come together, is fat free, and full of bright flavor. Raspberries are one of the top antioxidant fruits and are an essential food for optimum health. Raspberries are rich in vitami...

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Healing Cranberries

Cranberries are well known for their profound antiseptic role in healing urinary tract infections and yeast infections. That power comes from cranberries’ ability to fight Streptococcus bacteria—because most of the time, chronic strep infections are behind these conditions. (Even though in yeast infections, the origin of the problem is misdiagnosed as fungal, really, the yeast is seconda...

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Stuffed Onions

Leeks, chives, ramps, scallions, red onions, yellow onions, white onions, shallots, and any other type of allium you enjoy are nature’s antibiotics. Unfortunately, people don’t often eat a high volume of onions—maybe just a wedge in soup once a month, or a slice once a week on top of salad. To truly benefit from onions’ antibacterial qualities, we have to make them more central to our lives. Some pe...

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Nachos Potatoes

While traditional nachos may involve chips, these soft and golden "Nachos Style" Baked Potatoes from my book Thyroid Healing leave nothing to be desired. Cooked perfectly in the oven until crispy on the outside and tender in the middle, then piled high with the familiar flavors of avocado, tomato, onion, and cilantro, these potatoes will disappear fast, so you may want to make a double batch. Not on...

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Foods That Heal The Thyroid

We have been told for decades by authorities that food has nothing to do with healing. In fact, only in the very recent past has modern medicine started to discuss foods as a way to prevent illness. In the last five to ten years conventional medical experts have started talking about the healing benefits of foods more than ever, as if this was wisdom they knew all along. It might seem like this woul...

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Thyroid Healing Broth

Sometimes it can feel challenging to stick to healthier ways of eating when all around you, others seem to indulge in less-than-productive foods. With this antiviral, mineral-rich broth—a cornerstone of the Thyroid Cleanse featured in my book Thyroid Healing—you can give yourself a nourishing, comforting boost any time. If you’d like, keep a mug of it by your side all day, refilling as you desire. T...

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Apple Porridge

There’s something so delightful about starting the day with a simple bowl of hearty goodness that’s specifically geared to help you heal. This flavor-packed Apple Porridge skips the grains for a delicious bowl of fruit-based satisfaction. This recipe comes straight out of my book Thyroid Healing.  Apples are anti-inflammatory for the thyroid because they starve the pathogen that causes thyroid ...

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Raspberry Cookies

Healing doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a sweet treat when you need one! The Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies I am sharing with you today are delicious and have none of the harmful ingredients often found in some store-bought kinds. The bright pop of raspberry jam nestled in a rich, nutty dough makes these gorgeous cookies a wonderful treat for yourself, to share with friends or family, or pack into y...

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Healing Power of Parsley

Though it could technically be grouped with the other aromatic herbs, parsley is in a class of its own because of its skill at alkalizing all the body systems. You’ve no doubt heard of the concept of body acidity and alkalinity—that when the body becomes acidic, disease can occur. Well, wherever parsley is sold, it should come with a sign that says, “Fights acidosis more than anyth...

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Honey Peach Pie

Peaches are a wonderfully hydrating and mineral rich fruit that are easy to digest and rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and bioflavonoids. They have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and are especially beneficial for sinus issues, arthritis, high blood pressure, IBS, constipation, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, nervous system issues, migraines, eye sight issue...

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Wild Blueberries

It’s easy to get swept up in the belief that the ultimate healing food is hiding somewhere in the tropical wilds. We read about researchers who scour the jungle for miracle roots and berries, and we see exotic dried fruits for sale at the grocery store with packages proclaiming them “superfoods.” Maybe one day, we tell ourselves, a true miracle food will be discovered out there in ...

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Strawberry Pistachio Pie

While pistachio might not be your first thought when it comes to making a raw pie crust, you will not be able to get enough of this amazing pie once you try it. This pie is sweet and tangy and nutty and rich. The strawberries and pistachio are accented by the flavors of lemon zest and basil that will keep you coming back for more! Strawberries are a sweet, delicious fruit that are also a nutritional...

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Miracle Oranges

Historically, people who lived in northern climates became extremely deficient in vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium during the winter. That’s because all they had to eat after a certain point in the year were dairy, eggs, grains, and some meat—with a paltry amount of vegetables remaining and even less fruit. Before truck deliveries of produce became a mainstay of modern life, townspeop...

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Healing Potatoes

Was there ever a time, maybe in your childhood, when you got in trouble for someone else’s mischief—when you were judged as guilty by association? Then you understand the plight of the potato. Potatoes have gotten a bad rap for far too long. As victims of the war on foods mistakenly categorized as “disease-producing,” potatoes have been blamed for ills they never caused. Pota...

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Powerful Rose Hips

We tend to forget about vitamin C unless we’re trying to fight off a cold. Even though we’ve read in the history books about sailors who used to contract scurvy on long voyages without fresh fruit—so we’re familiar with the concept of vitamin C deficiency—it drifts off to the parts of our minds where we store information about DDT, mercury, and other dangers we think ar...

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Amazing Radishes

Radishes are a standout cruciferous vegetable that deserves its own time in the limelight. If the term “food as medicine” applies to anything, it applies to radishes. And what makes radishes unique from other crucifers is that they have two components, defined by different characteristics. To begin with, there is the root of the radish plant—what we think of as the radish itself. Overall, radishes a...

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Sprouts & Microgreens

Just like the vegetables they would become if they grew to full size, sprouts and microgreens are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, B vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, disease-reversing compounds, and other phytochemicals. When we eat greens in this early phase of life, though, the digestion process is a fraction of what it would otherwise be to assimilate their powers. The most important role...

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Miraculous Ginger

In this world, we live by reaction. We start the day with certain goals, and before we know it we get a phone call about a minor emergency, or an appliance breaks, or a client calls with an urgent request. Suddenly we’re in crisis mode—and we may not be able to leave this state for the rest of the day, because the moment one issue is resolved, a new one takes its place. All day long, eve...

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Healing Powers of Melon

Melons are so critical to the healing process that when someone is struggling with a health condition and can’t get better, the outcome may very well hinge on whether or not melon is part of her or his diet. Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, crenshaw, canary, Santa Claus, galia, charentais, casaba—they are all keys to the palace of health. Ask yourself how many melons you’ve consum...

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Healing Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, also known as Melissa because of its botanical name Melissa officinalis, is an essential herb for calming the nerves—in particular, those involved with digestion. Many people suffer from various sensitivities in the gut, with complicated and confusing misdiagnoses involved. What’s often behind these problems are nerve endings that have become hypersensitive around the digesti...

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Healing Powers of Pears

While apples are the stuff of legend, their close relatives, pears, are considered ho-hum. People often associate pears with their bland canned form, or with rare caramelized desserts; beyond that, pears don’t factor into most people’s daily thoughts. In the back of our minds, we know they exist, and that’s about it. Same with the pancreas: We’re aware that we each have this ...

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Life - Changing Apples

Never underestimate the power of an apple. This fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a top pick when you’re faced with practically any illness. Encephalitis (brain inflammation), IBS (intestinal inflammation), and viral infection (which can result in nerve inflammation) are just a few conditions in which apples can play the critical nutritional role of calming your system by redu...

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Miracles of Asparagus

Throughout history, people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Far and wide they’ve traveled, seeking that magical spring flowing from the ground that will preserve good health. This source of youth is no myth, and it does come from the earth . . . it just happens to be readily available at the grocery store, too. That anti-aging wonder is asparagus. When were you at your strongest?...

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Cucumber Rolls

These pretty little rolls are so easy to prepare and even easier to eat! A perfect snack for anytime of day that pairs perfectly with an Asian inspired tomato ginger dipping sauce. Make extras because they won’t last long. Cucumbers are a highly alkalinizing and hydrating food that are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, silicon, and potassium. Cucumbers are also packed wit...

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Rainbow Chopped Salad

With the bright savory flavors of sage, garlic, and lemon blended into a creamy dressing and poured over a brilliant array of chopped vegetables, this hearty salad is a stand alone meal unto itself and will leave you completely satisfied. Cucumbers high silica content promotes strong and healthy hair and nails which has earned them the reputation for centuries as being a “beautifying” food. Fresh cu...

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Turmeric Ginger Shots

Turmeric is famous for containing curcumin, a phytochemical with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is a particular asset for conditions such as lupus, in which the body can get stuck in a habitual cycle of reaction, even after the invader (in the case of lupus, the Epstein-Barr virus) is no longer present. Sometimes, though, once a cycle gets started, the body needs an ally to come in and break...

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Healing Benefits of Vitamin C

Many people are aware that vitamin C can help them recover from a cold or flu, but there’s much more to understand about how vitamin C supports our health. Vitamin C is essential to good health year round, not just when we are ill. In fact, it’s critical for our overall health and survival. Unfortunately, vitamin C deficiencies are rife today and lacking enough of this important vitamin ...

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Heavy Metal Detox

Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, lead, arsenic, nickel, chrome, alloy, and steel are hidden antagonizers that can find their way into our bodies and wreak havoc. They are one of the Unforgiving Four, which is a group of dangers we are exposed to that threaten our health and well-being. I discuss The Unforgiving Four in-depth in my book Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself...

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Strawberry Nice Cream

Next time you find yourself craving ice cream, try out banana nice cream for a sweet, delicious change! While the dairy in regular ice cream can stir up inflammation and allergies, or feed viruses and bacteria in your system, this simple, single-ingredient nice cream and two-ingredient sauce is filled with the natural sweetness your body needs, and will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. Thi...

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Stuffed Acorn Squash

There is a reason that squash is the quintessential fall vegetable. They’re hearty, abundant, and absolutely delicious. This recipe calls for the sweet, mild acorn squash variety that turns into a beautiful golden brown when roasted. You can even eat the skin! Acorn squash is easy to digest and is an excellent remedy for acidosis and conditions of the stomach, spleen, liver, and blood. It is wonderf...

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Sweet Potatoes with Cabbage

Sweet potatoes promote productive bacteria in the stomach, small intestine, and colon, while at the same time, they starve out unproductive bacteria and fungi such as mold that are camping out there. By keeping these microbes at bay, sweet potatoes are standouts at enhancing the body’s production of B12. Also, sweet potatoes help prevent a condition called megacolon—that is, an expansion of the colo...

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