Medical Medium Healing Foods

Healing Foods

Hello and welcome to Medical Medium: Healing Foods. I'm so happy to have you here. Visit this page anytime for inspiration and valuable insights on foods that will help you to heal and feel your best. Happy reading!

Cat's Claw: Life-Changing Herb

Cat’s claw is one of the most powerful resources for helping to reverse the epidemic of chronic and mystery illness in the 21st century. Cat’s claw can aid in alleviating almost any symptom, from neurological to digestive. Cat’s claw helps eliminate the parasite Babesia and bacteria such as Bartonella and other bugs without the so-called Herxheimer die-off reaction so common with antibiotics, becau...

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Ginger: Healing Food

Ginger is the ultimate antispasmodic and helps us be less reactive. Ginger’s antispasmodic properties come from its more than 60 trace minerals, well over 30 amino acids (many of them undiscovered), and more than 500 enzymes and coenzymes all working together to calm reactivity. Ginger is an amazing relaxant for the throat area and also helps relieve tension headaches and flush excess lactic acid fr...

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Garlic: Life-Changing Food

Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal (including anti-mold), anti-parasitic, and rich in the phytochemical allicin, a sulfur compound that prevents disease. Garlic kills off pathogens such as viruses and unproductive bacteria, which are behind so many mystery and chronic illnesses and symptoms. Garlic helps fight colds, flus, strep throat, pneumonia-causing bacteria, and viral-related can...

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Steamed Artichokes with Two Dipping Sauces

Artichokes are one of the most healing vegetables on this planet. When steamed, they retain most of their nutrients and make a delicious and healing snack or meal. In this recipe, you’ll find two tasty options to enjoy with your artichokes: Mustard Maple Dipping Sauce and Zucchini Herb Dipping Sauce. This recipe comes from the Revised and Expanded Edition of Medical Medium. Artichokes contain...

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Bananas: Digestive Aid

Bananas contain bioavailable protein, beneficial omegas, fiber, water, antioxidants, and healing phytochemicals such as potassium. High-potassium foods such as bananas are extremely helpful for many digestive system conditions. Potassium is helpful for nerve function in the digestive tract. Bananas are also anti-pathogenic, and they’re an incredible prebiotic as well— meaning, for one, that at the ...

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Raspberry Leaf - Life-Changing Herb

Raspberry leaf is the ideal reproductive system reorganizer and protector. It’s also an overall hormonal balancer and supports the entire endocrine system in hormone output. Raspberry leaf brewed as tea is one of the most profound tonics to address infertility and prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy. It is useful to help prevent miscarriages, and it is a secret tool to address exhausti...

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Lemon Balm: A Life-Changing Herb

Lemon balm, also known as Melissa officinalis, is an essential herb for calming the nerves—in particular, those involved with digestion. Nerves play a role in much of the digestive distress we experience in this day and age. If someone’s stomach or intestines are irritated for no identifiable reason, it’s usually due to sensitive nerves. Lemon balm has soothing properties that mak...

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Cilantro - Life Changing Food

Cilantro, also called coriander and Chinese parsley, is the go-to herb for heavy metal detoxification. The brain draws up precious mineral salt compounds from cilantro with a surprise package attached: phytochemicals that deliberately remove toxic heavy metals from the brain, freeing up neurons from toxic heavy metal oxidized residue, so that they can function at their best. Cilantro is also very v...

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Ways To Consume Raw Garlic

Garlic is an incredible healing food. It kills off the viruses and bacteria that are behind countless chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions and helps flush toxic viral and bacterial waste out of the lymphatic system.  Garlic also strengthens the immune system. Phytochemical compounds from garlic seep through the walls of the intestinal tract into blood vessels that lead up through the he...

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Potato: Healing Benefits

Potatoes are an incredible healing food for any chronic illness, symptom, or condition, but sadly, potatoes get a bad and unfair rap. Truth is, the toxic oil that potatoes are fried in, the cheese sauce ladled on top, and the butter, milk, and cream mashed in are what have the world convinced that potatoes are bad for us. Potatoes don’t cause health issues; the other ingredients served with th...

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How Celery Juice’s Sodium Cluster Salts Help You Heal

“If you have a shaky history with sodium and the word makes you nervous, let me assure you that the sodium in celery juice is beneficial. Even if you’re on a low-sodium diet, you can still have celery juice. It’s not like eating a food that’s had table salt—or even healthier salts like Himalayan rock salt or Celtic sea salt—thrown on it. While your body does not s...

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Best Juicer for Celery Juice

The best juicer for juicing celery is a cold press masticating juicer. Masticating juicers more gently and slowly extract the juice from celery and don’t generate as much heat during the juicing process. This helps to preserve as much of the nutrients in your celery as possible and minimize oxidation.  My favorite masticating juicer for celery juice is the MM900HDS Omega Low Speed Mastic...

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12 Foods That Help Heal Shingles Virus

In the medical world, shingles seems like an open-and-shut case. You’ve got a patient with the textbook rash, nerve pain on the side or back, and that’s all, folks. The truth is that the shingles virus is responsible for millions of people’s mystery symptoms, from rashes that confound dermatologists to neurological symptoms like twitching, tingling, burning, spasms, chronic migraines, headaches, and...

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Healing Benefits of Pomegranates

Pomegranates are popular, known especially for being high in antioxidants. What doesn’t get enough attention is what a godsend this fruit is for dissolving gallstones and kidney stones, nodules, calcifications, and small cysts such as ganglia cysts. It also has anti-tumor properties. Each of the fruit’s many jewellike, juicy capsules (technically called arils, though better known as seed...

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10 Top Cold and Flu Healing Foods

Each of these 10 foods are fantastic choices to help you to heal from a cold or flu. And if you include them year-round or during times of increased exposure to bugs, they’ll help you prevent catching colds and flus. When you feel the first signs of a cold or flu, try basing your diet mostly on these 10 foods. A diet that is all or mostly healing liquids such as fresh fruit and vegetable juices will...

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12 Foods That Help Fight Epstein-Barr Virus

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is behind many symptoms and conditions, including multiple sclerosis, thyroid problems, fibromyalgia, cancer, chronic fatigue, lupus, Lyme disease, eczema, anxiety, endometriosis, infertility, rheumatoid arthritis, aches and pains, eye floaters, ringing in the ears, and many more. Medical communities are aware of only one version of EBV, but there are actually over 60 strain...

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12 Foods That Help Heal Strep

Symptoms and conditions caused by streptococcus bacteria are varied and numerous. They include sinus pain and congestion, otitis media, UTIs, intestinal disorders, SIBO, sore throats, styes, cystic acne, bacterial vaginosis, strep throat, and more. Strep can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated issues that all stem from one or more of the multiple strains, many of which are undiscovered.  F...

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10 Snacks For Adrenal Health

Grazing is critical to healing. If your blood sugar drops and your liver’s glucose reserves are low to nonexistent like most people’s are (for more on why this happens and how you can heal, you can read Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease, your adre...

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Pineapple & Ginger Smoothie

Pineapple and mango are favorite fruits around the world for good reason, and they blend together perfectly in this recipe. The kick of ginger adds a hint of warmth and spice while also providing a myriad of health benefits such as aiding in digestion and assimilation and helping to prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Pineapple’s healing compounds act as brushing mechanisms that...

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How Celery Juice Helps Heal Diabetes, Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia

When you think diabetes, you may think, Been there, done that. We’re taught that diabetes and blood sugar are all about insulin, so they’re all about the pancreas. In the case of type 1 and 1.5, we’re taught that it’s autoimmune, with the body attacking the pancreas. But the truth is that this is misinformation. Diabetes is not an autoimmune condition and diabetes, hyperglyce...

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How Celery Juice Helps Migraines & Headaches

Anyone all too familiar with migraines and headaches knows that they can be completely debilitating and torturous. They can keep you locked in a dark room, unable to function or hear the slightest noise without throbbing or pulsing pain. No one should have to suffer from migraines and headaches, and yet many millions of people do. Chronic migraines and headaches are a true mystery illness, which me...

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Celery Juice Rumors & Myths

Celery juice is one of the most powerful healing tools I’ve been able to bring to the world. Spreading the word about the juice from this miraculous herb is turning lives around across the globe. Celery contains undiscovered chemical compounds and properties that are improving and helping to reverse chronic illness like never before. You can read Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medici...

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Aloe Pineapple Juice Cooler

Aloe vera leaf is a miraculous healing food that is one of the oldest healing remedies and natural antibiotics in the world. Taken internally, aloe works wonders for assimilation, circulation, and elimination. It is known to purify the blood, reduce inflammation, ease arthritis pain, prevent kidney stones, lower high cholesterol, prevent Candida, boost physical endurance, benefit cardiovascular hea...

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How Celery Juice Helps Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome has always been misunderstood by medical communities. What was initially often deemed to be laziness by doctors is actually a very real physical condition. Thankfully, chronic fatigue syndrome is starting to be more validated and recognized today, however medical research and science still don't know the true cause of this condition. If you experience chronic fatigue, I sha...

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How Celery Juice Helps Fibroids & Breast Density

Women's reproductive health issues have never been more prevalent than they are today. Nine out of ten women are dealing with at least one symptom or condition, such as a cyst, fibroid, menopause symptoms, painful menstrual periods, endometriosis, HPV, breast density, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Women are not meant to be suffering with these health issu...

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Watermelon Aloe Slushy

Not sure how to bring fresh aloe vera into your diet? This delicious slushy is a fantastic way to sneak in its incredible healing benefits. It’s refreshing and sweet and only takes a few minutes to prepare.  Aloe vera possesses more than 70 trace minerals that are grouped into undiscovered medicinal alloys. These alloys work together with the phytochemical aloin to calm inflammation in the gut,...

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Why 16oz of Celery Juice?

For decades #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Anthony William Medical Medium has been recommending that people drink 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Today, millions of people around the world are participating in this healing practice and experiencing the benefits for themselves. You might be wondering why 16 ounces is recommended specifically. The reason is...

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Celery Juice's Digestive Enzymes

If you’ve ever experienced digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, excess gas, stomach pain, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or looked into how the body works, you might have heard about the digestive enzymes we need to break down food. These digestive enzymes are crucial, but they’re not the only digestive enzymes your body uses. There are three oth...

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Thyroid Healing Grab & Go Snack Combos

Sometimes simple is all you need—or have time for. When you’re running out the door or too busy to follow a recipe, you don’t need to sacrifice nutrition or flavor for convenience. Instead, pull together these quick and easy food combinations specifically geared to support your healing process. Better yet, prep a few of these pairs ahead so that when time is of the essence, all you...

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Why Celery Juice is Healing Millions

For decades a grassroots global healing movement has been building: drinking 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Today, millions of people around the world are participating in this healing practice originated by #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Anthony William, Medical Medium, and experiencing the benefits for themselves. Why? Because celery juice, when cons...

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Healing Benefits of Spirulina

Spirulina is often deemed the most nutritionally complete of all foods and has countless uses as a supplement for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. This is because it contains a plentiful supply of many important nutrients and antioxidants, including protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins A and K, as well as B complex. It’s also rich in chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic...

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Foods That Heal The Liver

Every single person today has a liver that needs proper care. Your liver plays a fundamental and critical role in your health and in what your health will look like in 20 years, even if you don’t suffer with any symptoms or illnesses right now or you’ve been told your liver is in good working order. There’s more to understand about your what’s really happening inside the live...

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10 Health Benefits of Celery Juice

1. Critical for chronic acid reflux Acid reflux means 3 things are happening: low hydrochloric acid production, unproductive bacteria such as strep and e. Coli & a weakened liver. Celery juice helps improve these. 2. Fights autoimmune disease Pathogens are the true cause of the inflammation that’s mistakenly considered autoimmune. Celery juice’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts can break down & ...

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12 Reasons To Drink Celery Juice

1. Lowers Inflammation Celery juice starves the unproductive bacteria and viruses that are behind inflammation. 2. Supports Weight Loss Celery juice helps to clean up and detoxify the liver and a sluggish, toxic liver is behind mystery weight gain. 3. Aids Digestion Celery juice restores hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach for better long-term digestion. 4. Reduces Bloating Celery juice ...

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Roasted Eggplant with a Tomato Cucumber Salad

This combination of fresh juicy tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs piled on top of piping hot baked eggplant makes for a heavenly meal for lunch or dinner. This recipe is very simple to make, making it perfect for busy weeknight dinners or an easy choice that will still delight your guests at a dinner party. Tomatoes contain their own variety of vitamin C that’s bioavailable to the lymphatic system and ...

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Nacho Cheese Fries

Humble potatoes are an amazing food not only for health (when served without butter, bacon, sour cream, rancid oils and the like,) but also because of the satiety they offer and the variety of ways they can be prepared and enjoyed. In this recipe, potatoes are the star of both the fries and the fat-free, dairy-free nacho cheese dipping sauce. This recipe is simple to make and oh so delicious. Pair i...

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Healing Power of Wild Berries

I have been a fan of wild berries since I enjoyed picking them as a child in Maine with Spirit telling me about their undiscovered healing properties and which ones I could eat safely and which to avoid. Fortunately, you do not have to live out in the country or near the woods to have access to wild berries today. It’s quite likely that your local supermarket sells frozen wild blueberries, whi...

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Avocado Caprese Salad

This delicious and beautiful twist on a caprese salad may just have you envisioning yourself at an Italian trattoria on a cute cobblestone street. Instead of the traditional mozzarella, this recipes uses the wonderful avocado. As you’ll read below, avocado is an incredibly healing food that also mimics the creaminess of cheese. Dairy products put a strain on the digestive system and liver, and negat...

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Plum & Almond Salad

Eating plums on a regular basis can help bring benefits such as improved vision, healthier skin, healthy brain functioning, regulated digestive tract, reduced inflammation, resistance against colds and infections, and improved metabolism. Plums are especially good for digestive disorders such as IBS, gastritis, and constipation. The magnesium in plums works as a natural tranquilizer which can sooth ...

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Lemon Balm Popsicles

Popsicles are such a fun way to sneak in healing ingredients. In this recipe, the incredible herb lemon balm is the star, with the raw honey, lemon juice, and ginger also in lead roles in their own right. Lemon balm is a heal-all that can helpful countless symptoms and conditions. Anti parasitic, antiviral, and antibacterial throughout the body, lemon balm fights the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, an...

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