Hello and welcome to the Medical Medium Healing Essentials articles. I'm so happy to have you here. Visit this page anytime for inspiration and valuable insights on fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, recipes, and practices that will help you to heal and feel your best. Happy reading!
Repost from @purelycatherine There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel. And this is how I feel after 14 days on the advanced @369cleanse , with repeating days 7 to 9 of the cleanse. I feel lighter at all levels, physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally and it feels fantastic. Once upon a time, I used to do the cleanse with the only intention of healing my skin and now that it has been clearer...
Read this postRepost from @santarashealing 3 months on the advanced @369cleanse with @medicalmedium brain shot therapies… & what a journey it has been. It hasn’t been easy…but throughout all the ups & downs & life’s challenges along the way, this cleanse provided the critical glucose & mineral salts I needed to support me through it. Ridding my mind & body of the heavy metals, toxins, poisons, viruses, unproduct...
Read this postRepost from @flameandfolk HEALING THE VAGUS NERVES September 21st, 2017 - rushed to the ER after throwing up for 4 days uncontrollably. Barely able to eat or drink anything. My tests come back and the doctor says I’m totally fine. Asks if I’m sure I’ve been throwing up for that many days? Am I doing this for attention? Am I making this up? I just need to stress less. This goes on for 3 years. While...
Read this postRepost from @healingtheroot_ I started my healing journey with @medicalmedium a year, and a half ago. Celery juice being the number one thing I added to my daily routine that helped my health incline. When I first started following MM protocols my intention was to heal my painful bloating. I never imagined healing so many other symptoms Ive struggled with in my past along the way, and one day at a ...
Read this postRepost from @hiphopshealthyhabits When I was 16 I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. The drs told me that my body was attacking itself and for years I internalized that I was faulty, broken, and just wrong. I silently battled my symptoms, ashamed of the fatigue, anxiety, depression, cystic acne, chronic UTI’s, and many other symptoms that I had so young. Determined to live my best life, I...
Read this postEveryone is different. Not in the way we normally think. While our souls are different, our physical bodies, as humans, are meant to function in the same way. We eat food, drink water, urinate and defecate; our hearts beat and our blood pumps; we walk on our feet, we see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, our stomachs are meant to digest…until something goes wrong and we can’t. We can’t walk, we ...
Read this postThe Advanced Extractor works faster than the regular Extractor, also grabbing additional chemicals that the Extractor may not grab. Normally the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie has the responsibility of removing other toxins in addition to toxic heavy metals. The Advanced Extractor’s power at escorting those other chemical toxins out of the brain and body frees up the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie to access...
Read this postThis powerful soul-healing meditation and emotional support technique comes from the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition). This healing meditation offers tremendous support for your heart, spirit, and soul, and is a fantastic way to help bring deep emotional and spiritual healing. You can d...
Read this postResting The Nerves is a very powerful healing and centering technique from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes that reboots the nervous system. Our brains are all susceptible to becoming weakened and neurologically sick. This approach is accessible to all of us when we need to give the brain and nervous system a quick restorative so we can be stronger for the day or night. You can try it anywh...
Read this postThere’s nothing quite like a fragrant and flavor-packed curry to satisfy the taste buds and fill a hungry belly when you’re craving a comforting, warm meal. The herbs and spices are the star of this recipe, and you have the option to make your own homemade red curry paste or buy a clean store-bought curry paste. Hot peppers contain dozens of phytochemical compounds that are helpful for the liver. Li...
Read this postWhen life surprises us with high stress and intense moments, our brain can overheat, and we can lose precious electrolyte and glucose reserves. This tonic helps calm the mind and cool the brain down from overheating while replenishing reserves. Cucumber juice has a fountain-of-youth effect, hydrating us at the deepest cellular level possible. Plus, cucumbers’ cooling effect makes them excellent for ...
Read this postThese oil-free and grain-free samosas are made with the ever-versatile potato. Filled with a curried pea and potato or cauliflower filling, these samosas are a fantastic snack or finger food, or pair them with a soup or salad for a main meal.Potatoes are one of the most powerful anti-pathogenic foods. High in lysine, they also contain tyrosine, a chemical needed to produce thyroid hormones.Peas cont...
Read this postHave you heard or read the idea that the brain is made up primarily of fat and we need to eat a lot of healthy fats to have a healthy brain? These theories are becoming increasingly popular, but they are just that: theories. They’re not the truth. Is there any fat in a healthy brain that’s in a healthy body? In Brain Saver, I share that, yes, there is—extremely low levels of fat compared to what sci...
Read this postThis hearty and warming split pea soup is tasty and satisfying. It’s the perfect meal for a cozy night in to enjoy alone or serve up to the whole family. Split peas are a fantastic dried food to keep on hand for those times when you are low on produce and need to whip up a meal. You can use Healing Broth or water to make this recipe, but Healing Broth will produce the best flavor. All varieties of a...
Read this postWe all go through experiences that limit our ability to trust. Up to a point, that’s helpful for survival. An abundance of innocence can lay the foundation for a major betrayal. As I explain in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition), we can lose faith when we go from doctor to doctor, realizing that medical research and scien...
Read this postIf you’re concerned about regulating blood sugar, turn to kiwis for support. Kiwis are an amazing food for diabetes, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia. Whether your blood sugar levels are too low or too high, eating this fruit will bring you back to center as it simultaneously lowers fat in the bloodstream. Imbalanced blood sugar levels also often tie into moodiness, OCD, depression, and difficulty co...
Read this postIf someone told you they never get emotional, one of four things could be happening: They don’t realize what they’re saying. They’re not telling the truth. They handle their emotional state by convincing themselves that they never become emotional. They spend time around people who express their emotions in a much more pronounced way, so in comparison, they think they don’t get ...
Read this postRepost from @my_vegan_gymsta I started the Medical Medium Mono Eating Cleanse on January 1st. The first picture was from Day 1. The second is from today on Day 16. After the holidays, I indulged a lot, too much in foods I typically avoid (dairy, gluten, soy). Clearly my gut didn’t agree! After 16 days #monoeating steamed potatoes and drinking celery juice, I can say I feel INCREDIBLE! My body has h...
Read this postRepost @surviving_ryan For close to 10 years I suffered with chronic painful eczema predominantly on my hands and feet, but also other areas. This had brought the quality of my life to an all time low, making the things I loved to do and daily tasks unbearable. My hands and feet would constantly itch, crack and bleed. And trying to heal or get relief was so hard since you're constantly using them. ...
Read this postRepost from @oliverwhyte When healing finally happens. It’s been a long road, but I’m finally free from these health issues: lifelong eczema allergies shingles chronic fatigue depression panic attacks constant coughing from asthma lower back pain No more steroid creams No more antidepressants No more constant scratching at night No more sheets soak...
Read this postRepost from @noproteinguy Here’s an amazing story about my amazing father… Yesterday he finished his 10th 3-6-9 (3 original and 7 advanced) The reason that he started doing the 3-6-9 cleanse was because of a regular doctors appointment 2.5 years ago where they said he had high blood pressure, high enough that the doctor told him he really needed blood pressure medicine right away. But since he kn...
Read this postRepost from @wild.blueberry.dreams Today I’m celebrating day 30 of doing the @medicalmedium brain shots. One brain shot that I wanted to highlight in particular is the Nerve Shifter shot. I’m 34 and I’ve been struggling with widespread body pain for 6+ years. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago and then found out I had MS about a year ago. By far, the worst pain I’ve experienced is in...
Read this postRepost from @tracykonoske_nutritionist My husband Johny didn’t sleep well…and so he was headed for an energy drink so he could get through the morning. I jumped at the chance to make him the @medicalmedium Energy Shifter Brain Shot before he left for work!!! He was game, and I have been keeping the ingredients around that we need for this. I guess knowing that I would need them! I pumped it out, a...
Read this postRepost from @smoky_mtn_paradise I had to speed up this video to fit within IG’s perimeter. I don’t usually talk this fast, lol. It’s been on my heart to share my personal experience with the most compassionate offering that’s ever been gifted by Medical Medium. I share this for a personal journal entry so that I never forget. I also share this for so many people who were present but couldn’t hear t...
Read this postOne of the main causes of the chronic mystery illnesses, symptoms, and conditions so many people live with today is viruses, such as the over 60 strains of Epstein-Barr, over 30 strains of shingles, multiple varieties of HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, over 100 varieties of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, and many others. This is original Medical Medium information. In truth, it’s impossible to live in this worl...
Read this postTurmeric contains natural and very beneficial steroidal compounds from curcumin as well as other aspects of the turmeric that are critical to calm down outsized inflammatory responses to pathogens.Turmeric is great for anything in the body that’s inflamed and causing pain, from nerves to joints to the brain.It is helpful for myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and undiscover...
Read this postRepost from @jackeebeejuicescelery It was an honor to be a part of the Light Blast event yesterday. In my early years of following Medical Medium, I heard about this event being performed live, but never thought I’d be fortunate enough to experience it. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be 1 of the 20,000 people chosen to receive the Light Blast virtually, (the very first time Anthony has done it th...
Read this postRepost from @tracykonoske_nutritionist What was YOUR experience with the @medicalmedium Light Blast from above today? Besides being emotional, I felt subtle tingles in my feet and then all over after the 2nd round. My restless legs calmed down. A sense of DEEP PEACE came over me like I've never had before. So much so that I just laid on the sofa when it was over, basking in the feeling. Johny came ...
Read this postRepost from @medicalmediumarmy Its taken me a couple of days to reflect on the incredible light blast experience and put into words how this Godly event had an impact on me. My husband and I both signed up for the light blast. Together, we have suffered from infertility over the last 6+ years but intensely since 2019 when we were diagnosed and went through the IVF journey. We asked God and the ang...
Read this postRepost from @recycledgrace It's the day after the light blast, and I feel SO relaxed. Right after the light blast, I thought I was tired, but then I realized that that was what actual relaxation feels like. This from a body that has maybe never felt that, as I am a survivor of abuse. And I began crying with relief, gratitude, and also sadness, b/c the feeling was so foreign to me. Today, I am still...
Read this postRepost from @loveinhealing MEDICAL MEDIUM LIGHT BLAST What an honor it was to experience this yesterday. Just WOW! It was such a powerful experience. I had no idea what it was going to be like, but I was open. Anthony called the light to come down five different times. I was definitely one of the ones where the light got stuck, first in my chest area. With each blast I felt it go down a little f...
Read this postRepost from @wendy.pwh Don't miss out on the next @medicalmedium #lightblast ...it was very special indeed! I was preparing for it by praying and meditating, I drank some blueberry juice, took some B12, gaba, magnesium and celery force and was getting ready to listen to it from bed, as it was my bedtime.. But then, there were some technical issues and I started to worry, but I saw the Fb messages ...
Read this postRepost from @lorrainel_uk I'll never forget the moment the light blast started for me. I tuned in and heard Anthony say "a bunch of you just came on". I was feeling a little tense and nervous from all the anticipation, so I was grateful for the regular deep breaths. I needed to breathe! The top of my head was also aching a little. Right when he was building up to the first light blast, it suddenly...
Read this postRepost from @journey_to_wellness_for_life As a Nurse Anesthetist I sometimes work very long hours in the operating room. These brain shots have brought me so much vitality! I am very quick to action when a situation calls for action. I no longer burn out after a life and death situation. My favorite shots are the burnout, adrenal, and energy brain shots. These brain shots do more than just work on...
Read this postRepost from @elaine.appell.369 It’s been a couple days and I’m still feeling the effects from the Light Blast. I feel heady and light. Yesterday I noticed that all the nerve pain that causes stiffness in my neck and shoulders is gone. My maddening itch shingles is gone in my toes. I feel optimistic and filled with peace. I had many emotional blocks from past drama that were broken off me. I look fo...
Read this postRepost from @jenessakatey My sweet mama and I put on a Medical Medium class this weekend for friends and family. We had a blast!! It was filled with motivation and excitement to use our free will to heal! I'm so thankful to be surrounded by wonderful people who are incredibly supportive. We served the Medical Medium Nerve Shifter Brain Shot, roasted tomato soup with potato croutons and wild bluebe...
Read this postRepost from @chou.aurelius Light, light, light! Thank you @medicalmedium and Spirit of Compassion for The Light Blast, blessing us with this light to heal. It's a day to remember. During the session, I asked to be healed and to allow me to help those who are in need, allow me to be able to share @medicalmedium info to help them heal too, at a time that is right for them to readily receive. Ma...
Read this postRepost from @ellena_alexandraa I will try to explain as much as I can because mostly its unexplainable. I have a lot of soul/spirit and psych trauma, also physical ALS symptoms and other symptoms… I was sick for years and now I am healing because of MM info. The day of light blast wasn’t easy for me. Symptoms got worse, emotional aspect got so much worse (for weeks I had raising thoughts and was i...
Read this postRepost from @fruitfulhealing.co.uk My son has done 56 days of the Obsessive Thoughts Shifter. Around day 7 I noticed that he stopped biting his nails. I was able to trim them for the first time in months! He continued with the shot as I wanted to make sure that the result would last. I also had a lot of sage that I didn't want to waste. On 30 Nov 2022 my son also started doing the Adrenal Fight Or F...
Read this postRepost from @goldenseal_123 Dear A.W. and Spirit of Compassion, I'd like to express my deep gratitude for healing my tightness of the chest yesterday during the Light Blast. When I take a deep breath now, I no longer have any pain whatsoever! It was a truly unique experience: I actually did not ask for healing anything physically, my single focus was on healing emotional wounds and heart issues. By...
Read this postThe information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.